
Rich - Responsive workflow

Workflow (good links in article):

No mobile context argument:

Content first (a year old but still relevant as good links in article):

A bundle of best implementation practises:

how best to introduce responsive design to the creatives and/or business people in your agency:

Davy - Backbone

Best article on separating your content using modules:

Great backbone patterns and best practises etc:

The main obstacle for me was getting my head around the difference from a classic backend MVC framework and Backbones fronted MVC, this is my take on it:

If backend MVC says:

“Models should be fat Controllers should be skinny and Views dumb”

Then fronted Backbone MVC should say:

“Models/Collections should be fat Views should be skinny and Templates dumb (and we also have Routes but don’t ask where they fit in)”

John - SASS

The Sass site - simple setup instructions and some basic examples to get you started

SASS Reference documentation - it’s a bit ‘enterprise’ looking but has some useful stuff

The list of functions here is quite handy, e.g. mix(), lighten(), darken(), transparentize()

I’d agree with a lot of what’s said here too:

Ali - Coding and Education

If people are interested in the education stuff, here’s a link to a talk I gave about it at TEDxObserver this year:

Let’s evangelise the web as the platform for learning. There’s NextGen Skills representing Gaming and VFX, but nothing official representing the web and web technologies. We need to be vocal about HTML, CSS and JavaScript as the route into learning code. We’re going to be working with the Department of Education on the statutory programmes of study in ICT over the next year or so, and we’re going to be really encouraging the use of the web and the teaching of web technologies. If people have ideas or want to help input, please get in touch!

Mike - something

(no notes…)