Matt - Protractor

Paul - Codeship

Slides are here:

This post on setting up Codeship to build and deploy a static Middleman blog to S3 covers the basics: can be self-hosted, too:

And they’re looking for maintainers:

Configure git command aliases:

Alias git to g:

Then possibly alias hub to g (or git), for the truly lazy:

Node/Grunt tools for checking grammar and spelling:

These are more like hinters than linters. Both would be better if they could use custom dictionaries, but work for basics: spotting duplicate words, duplicate words etc. If anyone’s come across anything better, I’d love to hear about it.

Slack referral link with $100 credit both ways:

The free plan is fine for individuals and small teams, but if I get some credit I can upgrade, invite someone from outside my organisation and stop spamming myself with emoji.

Scott - Paperback

Here’s the links for Paperback, thanks for listening :)

Please do have a poke around, would be great to see this head off in a new direction. Forks, pull requests, issues all very welcome!

PXG - Functional programming

Here’s a link to my slides