
James C - Code Hygiene

“What if your software project was like a kitchen?”

Thanks for listening to my prototype thoughts about how and when we clean our software and how measurement fits with that.

Slides are here on speakerdeck.

Software measurement “manifesto” is the Measurable Software README.

Henry - Pastcards tech

James B - International Men’s Day

Some people ask why we even need this, isn’t everyday international men’s day?

One of the biggest points campaigners are trying to get across today is something some of you may know.

The biggest killer of men under 45 is suicide. 12 men a day took their lives in 2014. 2 of 5 men have considered it. Interestingly more women attempt suicide than men.

Suicide is very complicated, and there are often many reasons why someone may kill themselves. But it has been suggested by researchers that men and boys are less likely to talk about their feelings, and less likely to seek help for mental health problems.

The inability to discuss feelings and admit ‘weakness’ could be killing men.

I’ve been learning a lot about this recently whilst helping to facilitate workshops for young boys in schools. I’ve been working with The GREAT Men project, they go into schools and challenge the stereotypes of masculinity and to engage the boys in the movement towards gender equality.

When I’ve mentioned to some people about running workshops on being a man and masculinity, a couple of times the first reply has been “you, talk about masculinity”

All those little throwaway comments, questioning someone’s masculinity, can have a negative affect on them in the long term.

I want to get more men talking, and talking about talking.

Which is why I signed up to The GREAT Men project.

So happy international men’s day, go and tell a man you love how you’re feeling, to let them know it’s OK to discuss their thoughts and feelings.

Some further information

Doc Brown - Dismantles sexism

Tony Porter - A call to men

Robert Webb - A man talking about feminism

How social perfectionism kills

For any further reading let me know. I’ve got lots more where that came from.