Jed - Site build WIP

Frontend built with:

  • Bootstrap
  • Backbone
  • Backbone Marionette

Backend built with:

  • Node
  • Express
  • Couch DB
  • Heroku
  • Cloudant

Davy - ECMAScript 6

TL;DR - new stuff in ES6

current browser compatibility

The Unofficial Spec

Traceur Compiler: (Gets it working in current browsers)


The features of ES6 that Traceur supports

Traceur grunt module

ES6 Syntax Highliting for Sublime Text:

AMD: Someone asked about require and AMD modules in ES6. I haven’t tried this yet but this is a ES6 to ES5 compiler that includes AMD functionality

Scott - Angular JS

Feel like I should try and bring some context to my ‘AngularJS is really great/confusing MVWTF’ ramblings, via some curated links

The main my chat was missing (apart from a plan!) was a nice clean example without a lot of other junk going on, so:

Feelings about AngularJS over time (apologies in advance for use of word ‘awesome’):

The AngularJS components I’ve been making are all up here:

Insightful essay on switching from Backbone to Angular:

Useful and readable comparison between Backbone/Angular/Ember/Can:

Pretty comprehensive AngularJS resources list:

Angular-UI companion suite ‘under construction’

Bower is a really straightforward, ‘package manage for the web’. It’s a bit like NPM, does one thing well, has a bird on it, and is not magic:
